Sydney's northern beaches residents who use off-leash dog parks are demanding there be more access to the council provided dog poop bags for their dogs.
Councils response:
"While there is an expectation by residents that these bags be provided free of charge, these are expensive and cost Council considerable funds to provide and collect, noting there is no legislative requirement to provide such bags." - Councilor De Luca Oam
Council has stated that there budget is a whopping $100,000 to assist dog owners by providing dog poop bags at certain parks and reserves, however as councilor De Luca insisted, there is no actual requirement for them to assist dog owners with free dog poop bags.
The northern beaches council is considering to:
'"Seek information as to whether there are any innovative organisations or persons prepared to create paid dispensers for this purpose, which would significantly defray costs and enable a higher provision of such bags at other parks and reserves."
Many others dog owners see another simple alternative - Pay for your own dog poop bags. Take responsibility of you and your best mates outings and be prepared.
"As a dog owner you should not be relying on free government funded solutions to pick up your dogs number 2's. If this 1 particular council can save $100,000 by implementing dog owners to buy their own poop bags. That money can go a long way with our animal shelters across Australia." - Northern beaches dog owner
In short, it's your mate it's your responsibility.