The motivation behind the Woofa Bags brand...

Flo is a border collie/kelpie cross and as you can tell, she enjoys the beach. Flo was a covid puppy like many others. During a time of desperately needed company and laughs, we knew we could always rely on our beloved new best mates.

70% of Aussie households own a pet, 50% of which are, yep, a dog. There's no question that Australian's love the companionship, emotional support, protection and assistance they loyally provide for us. They do all these things for us, but they can't do everything... That's where we need to step up for them.

Dog poo may not be the most glamorous topic, but it certainly gets people talking - or avoiding it altogether. Some say stepping on it brings good luck, but really, who wants to test that theory?

Plastic dog waste bags are ending up in landfill and are a major environmental issue, taking hundreds of years to decompose. Plastic pollution is affecting our oceans, killing marine life, and posing a threat to human health. We must reduce the use of plastic to protect our planet.

Woofa Bags are for dog owners who care for the planet. Our dog poo bags are completely biodegradable - gone in just 6 months! We use corn and other raw materials so they’re 100% plastic free!

Biodegradable and compostable, Woofa bags are your new way to help your best mate help the planet!