Our Planet-Friendly Products

Making mama earth Proud

The Box - Kraft paper design (recyclable & compostable), Water-based Ink printing & 3 rolls, 45 bags per Box. Making the original Woofa bags box the only choice when picking up your next steamer.

The poo is in your Hands

The Bag - Made from Corn and other raw materials, Kraft paper core, 100% Plastic free & Gone in just 6 months. Using Woofa bags is your way to help your best mate, help the planet.


What are Woofa bags?

Woofa Poopbags are a sustainable and eco-friendly solution for pet waste disposal. They are specially designed bags for picking up and disposing of your pet's waste in an environmentally responsible way.

What makes Woofa bags different from regular plastic bags?

Woofa bags are not made of traditional plastic. They are crafted from a unique blend of natural materials that are both sturdy and compostable. This sets them apart from conventional plastic bags that can take hundreds of years to decompose.

How are Woofa bags home compostable?

Woofa Poopbags are designed to break down naturally in a home compost environment. When you dispose of them in your backyard compost pile, they undergo decomposition, turning your pet's waste into valuable organic compost for your garden.

Are Woofa bags safe for the environment?

Yes, Woofa bags are a sustainable and eco-friendly choice. By using these bags, you contribute to reducing plastic pollution in landfills and promote responsible waste disposal.

Are Woofa bags strong and durable?

Yes, Woofa bags are designed to be sturdy and reliable. They provide a secure and hygienic way to pick up pet waste while also being environmentally conscious.

Are there any specific disposal guidelines for Woofa bags?

To maximize their composting potential, it's essential to follow your local composting guidelines. Generally, you can place Woofa bags in your home compost pile along with other organic materials. Avoid including any non-compostable items.

Can I use Woofa bags with all types of pet waste?

Woofa bags are suitable for picking up various types of pet waste, such as dog and cat waste. They are designed to handle the task effectively and responsibly.